Monday, July 16, 2007

And so it Begins...

My friend and I decided to start this blog to celebrate what we most spend our times - watching the idiot box.

I was going to start by talking a little about Rome the miniseries!
Yeah that rip roaring, rowdy, rambunctious ROME without the stuffy senators. Loads of bare legs in skirts and togas,and that's in the men. Let's not forget the lovely luscious roman matrons, the supposed pinnacle of Roman society.

Before we enter into this foray into fortuitous events, I think we should start with a little Rome primer.

We all know about the great Gaius Julius Caesar , who embodied what everyone's idea of the great Roman empire. But do we know about Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo, the ordinary soldiers of the famous 13th Legion?

The brilliant idea between the first season was simple - the historic events of the fall of Pompeii and consequently Caesar was nothing but a series of coincidences influenced by these two very ordinary men of Rome. They bumbled their way like pre-medieval "Forrest Gumps", not even unwitting pawns, as even the great players Brutus, Cicero and Mark Anthony could have foreseen the parts they would play.

Let's do a little run down, shall we?

Episode 1 - when Pompeii conspires to steal Caesar's eagle, who accidentally chances on thief and uncover the plot?

Episode 2 - who caused the riot that injured Mark Anthony which Caesar seized as his reason to star a march on Rome?

Episode 3 - who chances on a group of a young recruits on the march to Rome, causing them to panic and causing Pompeii to flee the city thinking that Caesar's march is more aggressive than it really is?

Episode 4 - who finds the missing city treasury and returns it to Caesar, thereby depriving Pompeii of his means to pay his soldiers and reclaim his place as Consul.

More next post


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