Sunday, July 29, 2007

My Name Is Joe


What can I say? I am a certified, card-carrying couch potato - if couch potatoes were issued cards and certificates, that is.

My fellow spud and I decided to start this blog so that we can rant and rave about our favourite television shows online instead of in the coffeeshops or restaurants, which allows us to NOT annoy anyone within hearing range.

And unlike the gazillion TV-blogs out there, this one is unique for it has a Malaysian angle to it. So you'd probably find quite a few references to our Guardians of Morality aka The Censorship Board, as well as a few passing mentions (possibly in gratitude) to every Malaysian's favourite relative, Uncle Ho (not to be confused with Vietnam's Independence hero, Ho Chi Minh).

Of course, another inescapable fact of being a local blog about foreign TV shows is that most likely some, if not all, the posts would probably be out of date with regards to the TV shows we discuss. For example, I'm currently following Lost Season 3 here even though the season has already ended in the US. (Arguments about whether I'm wasting my time with this show should be saved for a later date.) I've also just started watching The Sopranos Season 1 on DVD, even though the award-winning HBO show has never seen the light of day on our local television channels.

So if you're interested in reading (or writing - see below for contact details) about your favourite TV shows in Bolehland, well, you've come to the right place.

Here's a taster of some of the TV shows you might find being discussed here in the near future: Rome, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Heroes, The Sopranos, Prison Break, The Amazing Race (and The Amazing Race Asia!), My Name Is Earl, CSI, and many others.

Right then. Till later, this is Joe TV clicking off.

P.S. Interested in contributing to this TV-blog? E-mail us: idiotboxers AT gmail DOT com.


Orchid said...

Hi Joe,

Nice to meet you. I am one who hardly watches television. Maybe it is because i do not make it a point to come home in time to catch my favourite tv series. Or, it is because my mom has total control of the remote most of the time. ;-)

Please tell us more about Prison Break (do more entries on it). What season is it currently now on Msian TV and what season is it in the USA?


~ Orchid ~

Liz said...

Heya Joe TV, how about doing an entry on Little People, Big World? I really like that program and Channel 77 (Astro) is currently showing the second season of the show.

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